But sometimes we need a way to access more complex objects and still have that magic Unboxed storage. I.e. instead of accessing single object we need two of them. Once again mighty of Haskell type system comes to save us. Just add another index axis and hide it in the same way how Ix do.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DatatypeContexts #-}
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Array.Base
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.Unboxed
class Pack t where
type Item t
packSize :: t -> Int
itemsUnpack :: t -> [Item t]
packItems :: [Item t] -> t
instance Pack (a, a) where
type Item (a, a) = a
packSize _ = 2
itemsUnpack (x, y) = [x, y]
packItems [x, y] = (x, y)
newtype Pack p => UPArray i p = UPArray { unUPArray :: UArray (i, Int) (Item p) }
instance (Pack p, IArray UArray (Item p)) => IArray UPArray p where
bounds = (fst *** fst) . bounds . unUPArray
numElements a = numElements (unUPArray a) `div` w where
w = packSize (unsafeAt a undefined)
unsafeArray ix es = a where
w = packSize (unsafeAt a undefined)
ix' = ((fst ix, 0), (snd ix, w - 1))
a = UPArray (unsafeArray ix' es')
es' = do
(i0, x0) <- es
zip [i0 * w ..] (itemsUnpack x0)
unsafeAt a = at where
w = packSize (at undefined)
at0 = unsafeAt (unUPArray a)
at n = packItems [at0 n0 | let base = w*n, n0 <- [base .. (base + w - 1)]]
instance (Pack p, Show (Item p), Show i, Ix i, IArray UArray (Item p)) => Show (UPArray i p) where
showsPrec p = showsPrec p . unUPArray
test = listArray (0, 2) [('x','y'), ('y', 'z'), ('z', 'x')] :: UPArray Int (Char, Char)
Yeah, that Show instance is fake. Better take a closer look at those w with undefined. I know there is scope types, but I don't like them.
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DatatypeContexts #-}
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Array.Base
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.Unboxed
class Pack t where
type Item t
packSize :: t -> Int
itemsUnpack :: t -> [Item t]
packItems :: [Item t] -> t
instance Pack (a, a) where
type Item (a, a) = a
packSize _ = 2
itemsUnpack (x, y) = [x, y]
packItems [x, y] = (x, y)
newtype Pack p => UPArray i p = UPArray { unUPArray :: UArray (i, Int) (Item p) }
instance (Pack p, IArray UArray (Item p)) => IArray UPArray p where
bounds = (fst *** fst) . bounds . unUPArray
numElements a = numElements (unUPArray a) `div` w where
w = packSize (unsafeAt a undefined)
unsafeArray ix es = a where
w = packSize (unsafeAt a undefined)
ix' = ((fst ix, 0), (snd ix, w - 1))
a = UPArray (unsafeArray ix' es')
es' = do
(i0, x0) <- es
zip [i0 * w ..] (itemsUnpack x0)
unsafeAt a = at where
w = packSize (at undefined)
at0 = unsafeAt (unUPArray a)
at n = packItems [at0 n0 | let base = w*n, n0 <- [base .. (base + w - 1)]]
instance (Pack p, Show (Item p), Show i, Ix i, IArray UArray (Item p)) => Show (UPArray i p) where
showsPrec p = showsPrec p . unUPArray
test = listArray (0, 2) [('x','y'), ('y', 'z'), ('z', 'x')] :: UPArray Int (Char, Char)
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